07 Dec

Growing up, I always had stomach issues.  Nearly constant pain in my belly, bloating, gas, constipation and irritability.  I missed so may days of school, especially in my middle school and high school years.  Growing up in the late 80s and 90s it wasn't common to discuss these issues, or to realize it may be the food you're eating that causes them.  Lactose intolerance was a newer topic, which my mother was suggesting may be my issue.  I tried to cut out the things I loved like milk, cheese and chocolate but as a young girl it was not easy.  The options they had for any sort of supplementary choices were bleak and unappetizing.  There was no "fake" cheese, there was only one option for lactose free milk and it wasn't good.  Having a restrictive diet meant just that, restrictive eating.  So, I went back to eating anything and everything and continued to suffer.

Fast forward to my 30s, I was pregnant with my first son and the digestive issue got worse!  Sometimes I would have violent GI episodes in the middle of meals, yikes. It was embarrassing and frustrating.  A coworker suggested that I try cutting out gluten.  Let me tell you, that changed my life!  I was consistent with my restrictions and I felt great.  

After having my baby I wanted to be tested for Celiac, which meant I had to be eating gluten as you have to have it in your system to be tested.  I ate all the bread and pasta I could find.  (I had missed subs so much). My test was negative, ugh, I was frustrated.  I ate my frustrations in all things gluten.  After only a few weeks my gut was back to it's worst days.  I spent a few years going back and forth with restricting gluten all together, to eating it only when it was something I really couldn't resist (aka donuts) to being able to stay away from it completely, well, for a short time. 

Then, lymphocytic colitis happened! If you know, you know. Terrifying, fear of loosing control of you bowels every moment of every day.  Not fun at all.  My GI specialist "very strongly suggested" that I cut out gluten and dairy.  My gut health has never been the same.  The fear of another colitis flare is enough for me to stay away.

The thing is, it has become easier and easier the longer I do it. There are so many different products available than there was even 10 years ago.  Most grocery stores have at least basic items to support this dietary need, while others really go all out supporting the need for these products. There are so many websites that cater to all sorts of restrictive dieting plans.  Even restaurants are getting on board with it.   

Here I will be sharing my favorite products, sites and tips that have made my life so much easier, although I'm still learning a lot along the way.  

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